Constructor Order Form

Order your Constructor Ladder Diagram Software. Lots of options, a full copy or an upgrade, single version, various multi-seat packages, remote licenses or a site license.

Requires Windows 7, 8, 10 or 11

Constructor Order Form

Item             Item Description Price ($) Buy      
CMH-1 Constructor 16 Single or Multiple Seat from $399
Use coupon code: 5OFF for 5% discount for 2 or more copies
399.00 cart
CMH-1U Constructor 16 Single Upgrade (From versions 15)
Use coupon code:
Enter Your Constructor 15 Serial Number + "U"
(e.g., C1500000-11111-00-111111U)
for a $200 discount.
199.00 cart
CMH-1U2 Constructor 16 Single Upgrade (From versions 14)
Use coupon code:
Enter Your Constructor 14 Serial Number + "U"
(e.g., C1400000-11111-00-111111U)
for a $150 discount.
249.00 cart
CMH-1U3 Constructor 16 Single Upgrade (From versions 13)
Use coupon code:
Enter Your Constructor 13 Serial Number + "U"
(e.g., C1300000-11111-00-111111U)
for a $100 discount.
299.00 cart
CMH-1U4 Constructor 16 Single Upgrade (From versions 12)
Use coupon code:
Enter Your Constructor 12 Serial Number + "U"
(e.g., C1200000-11111-00-111111U)
for a $50 discount.
349.00 cart
We offer students (college, Vo-Tech, trade schools, union training centers) who qualify, the Constructor 16 or 15 Student versions at a special student price of $69.95 for a time limited 1 year license. See our school/student page for more information.
CMH-1-Site Constructor 16.0 Site License (Now with a free 1 year maintenance plan and PLC I/O library)
Constructor Site License FAQ
3000.00 cart
CMH-1-Campus Constructor 16.0 Campus License (1Yr)
For Schools and Training Centers - On-site and Off-site
2495.00 Download
CMH-1-Tech Constructor Technical Support for 1 year 99.00 cart
All PLC I/O modules and other libraries listed below (except Sound) are for Constructor Versions 4.0-16.0 and are single copies. Please call for site or multi-seat license prices on these libraries (1-800-680-7638).
CMH-1-PLC PLC I/O Library - Over 1800 I/O modules 299.00 cart
CMH-1-SS Soft Starter/VSD Library 49.00 cart
CMH-1-SE Additional Sound Effects Library for Constructor Version 9.0 - 16.0 - 126 Additional Sounds 99.00 cart
CMH-1-IEC IEC Symbol Library - $29 Value
(Now included FREE with all Constructor Software)
$29.00 Free

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